Sandbox URL: https://api-test.payvalida.com/api/v3/
Allows the modification of an existing order, for example, extending its life (expiration date), amount, description, reference, etc.
Path Parameters
ID of the commerce in Payvalida. Max. 50 characters
Customer's email. It's used to send notification of the billing. Max. 100 characters.
Country code. 3 characters.
Order ID, generated by the commerce. Max. 20 characters.
Reference number used by the customer to pay the order.
Currency's code of the order. 3 characters.
Short description of the order. Max. 500 characters.
Payment method selected by the customer. Max. 25 characters.
Language of the messages and responses. 2 characters.
Indicated whether the order is recurrent.
Expiration date in format DD/MM/YYYY. Fecha de expiración de la orden en formato DD/MM/AAAA. It can't neither surpass 30 days nor be from a date before the registration of the order.
Percentage amount of VAT/IVA of the order.
Checksum encoded in SHA512
(email+country+order+money+amount+FIXED_HASH). Max. 512 caracteres.
200 The execution returns a JSON following this structure:
Copiar {
" CODE " : "0000" ,
"DATA" :{
"OrdenID" : "p0000201" ,
"Monto" : "55000.0" ,
"PVordenID" : "95601" ,
"Referencia" : "989898101" ,
"Operacion" : "ACTUALIZADO" ,
The commerce (merchant) id and the FIXED_HASH are provided when you create an account in our platform.
Sent data is verified and updated if the parameter is different to the original order's.
In order to update an order, it is required to be in PENDING (PENDIENTE) status, otherwise you won't be able to modify it.
Copiar curl --location --request PATCH 'https://api-test.payvalida.com/api/v3/porders' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"merchant": "kuanto",
"email": "someone@example.com",
"country": 343,
"order": "999999991",
"reference": "46534512",
"money": "COP",
"amount": "9500",
"description": "Orden de prueba",
"method": "",
"language": "es",
"recurrent": true,
"expiration": "27/12/2020",
"iva": "0",
"checksum": "1AC89E7089355B5069222C01779431A192FC4D459C25584D69B64ABBF605FE7CB54A015296A39D234CA9B94FF9F068423AC1E00F5A319EB18F2167B97C8A0BB1",
"user_di": "94320444",
"user_type_di": "CC",
"user_name": "NombreUsuario",
"redirect_timeout": "300000"
Copiar package main
import (
type Request struct {
Country int `json:"country,omitempty"`
Email string `json:"email,omitempty"`
Merchant string `json:"merchant,omitempty"`
Order string `json:"order,omitempty"`
Reference string `json:"reference,omitempty"`
Money string `json:"money,omitempty"`
Amount string `json:"amount,omitempty"`
Description string `json:"description,omitempty"`
Language string `json:"language,omitempty"`
Recurrent bool `json:"recurrent,omitempty"`
Expiration string `json:"expiration,omitempty"`
Method string `json:"method,omitempty"`
Iva string `json:"iva,omitempty"`
Checksum string `json:"checksum,omitempty"`
UserDI string `json:"user_di,omitempty"`
UserTypeDI string `json:"user_type_di,omitempty"`
RedirectTimeout string `json:"redirect_timeout,omitempty"`
UserName string `json:"user_name,omitempty"`
func main () {
url := "https://api-test.payvalida.com/api/v3/porders"
method := "PATCH"
email := "someone@example.com"
country := "343"
order := "test" + fmt. Sprint (rand. Intn ( 999999999 ))
money := "COP"
amount := "20000"
fixedHash := "xxccc_b0b20707cca2b283b5844e77cadf2b5813bd923362b91583c95b736c8763937c0e0df27e9b730c404eeac6484666430f6042c043089135e8d3e76f2e86a82c38"
Paysha512 := sha512. Sum512 ([] byte (email + country + order + money + amount + fixedHash))
checksum := hex. EncodeToString (Paysha512[:])
date := time. Now ()
expiration := date. AddDate ( 0 , 0 , 2 )
request := Request {
Country: 343 ,
Email: email,
Merchant: "kuanto" ,
Order: order,
Reference: "" ,
Money: money,
Amount: amount,
Description: "Test pruebas unitarias" ,
Language: "es" ,
Recurrent: false ,
Expiration: expiration. Format ( "02/01/2006" ),
Method: "" ,
Iva: "0" ,
Checksum: checksum,
UserDI: "90000000" ,
UserTypeDI: "CC" ,
RedirectTimeout: "150000" ,
UserName: "devPayvalida" ,
json, err := json. Marshal (request)
if err != nil {
fmt. Println (err)
client := & http . Client {}
req, err := http. NewRequest (method, url, bytes. NewBuffer (json))
if err != nil {
fmt. Println (err)
req.Header. Add ( "Content-Type" , "application/json" )
res, err := client. Do (req)
if err != nil {
fmt. Println (err)
defer res.Body. Close ()
body, err := ioutil. ReadAll (res.Body)
if err != nil {
fmt. Println (err)
fmt. Println ( string (body))
Copiar <? php
$curl = curl_init () ;
curl_setopt_array ( $curl , array(
CURLOPT_URL => "https://api-test.payvalida.com/api/v3/porders" ,
CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS =>"{\n \"merchant\": \"kuanto\",\n \"email\": \"someone@example.com\",\n \"country\": 343,\n \"order\": \"999999991\",\n \"reference\": \"46534512\",\n \"money\": \"COP\",\n \"amount\": \"9500\",\n \"description\": \"Orden de prueba\",\n \"method\": \"\",\n \"language\": \"es\",\n \"recurrent\": true,\n \"expiration\": \"27/12/2020\",\n \"iva\": \"0\",\n \"checksum\": \"1AC89E7089355B5069222C01779431A192FC4D459C25584D69B64ABBF605FE7CB54A015296A39D234CA9B94FF9F068423AC1E00F5A319EB18F2167B97C8A0BB1\",\n \"user_di\": \"94320444\",\n \"user_type_di\": \"CC\",\n \"user_name\": \"NombreUsuario\",\n \"redirect_timeout\": \"300000\"\n}",
"Content-Type: application/json"
) ,
) ) ;
$response = curl_exec ( $curl ) ;
curl_close ( $curl ) ;
echo $response;
Copiar Unirest . setTimeouts ( 0 , 0 );
HttpResponse < String > response = Unirest . patch ( "https://api-test.payvalida.com/api/v3/porders" )
. header ( "Content-Type" , "application/json" )
.body("{\n \"merchant\": \"kuanto\",\n \"email\": \"someone@example.com\",\n \"country\": 343,\n \"order\": \"999999991\",\n \"reference\": \"46534512\",\n \"money\": \"COP\",\n \"amount\": \"9500\",\n \"description\": \"Orden de prueba\",\n \"method\": \"\",\n \"language\": \"es\",\n \"recurrent\": true,\n \"expiration\": \"27/12/2020\",\n \"iva\": \"0\",\n \"checksum\": \"1AC89E7089355B5069222C01779431A192FC4D459C25584D69B64ABBF605FE7CB54A015296A39D234CA9B94FF9F068423AC1E00F5A319EB18F2167B97C8A0BB1\",\n \"user_di\": \"94320444\",\n \"user_type_di\": \"CC\",\n \"user_name\": \"NombreUsuario\",\n \"redirect_timeout\": \"300000\"\n}")
. asString ();
Copiar var myHeaders = new Headers ();
myHeaders .append ( "Content-Type" , "application/json" );
var raw = JSON.stringify({"merchant":"kuanto","email":"someone@example.com","country":343,"order":"999999991","reference":"46534512","money":"COP","amount":"9500","description":"Orden de prueba","method":"","language":"es","recurrent":true,"expiration":"27/12/2020","iva":"0","checksum":"1AC89E7089355B5069222C01779431A192FC4D459C25584D69B64ABBF605FE7CB54A015296A39D234CA9B94FF9F068423AC1E00F5A319EB18F2167B97C8A0BB1","user_di":"94320444","user_type_di":"CC","user_name":"NombreUsuario","redirect_timeout":"300000"});
var requestOptions = {
method : 'PATCH' ,
headers : myHeaders ,
body : raw ,
redirect : 'follow'
fetch ( "https://api-test.payvalida.com/api/v3/porders" , requestOptions)
.then (response => response .text ())
.then (result => console .log (result))
.catch (error => console .log ( 'error' , error));
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